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This page is our opportunity to share some photos of Deitschland Farm cattle, past and present.  More photos will be added in the weeks ahead.  Come see the cattle and select your new herd additions from our current crop of calves.

Emilie's first purchased Hereford heifer, Key to My Heart, produced calves for 16 years.

Key Largo was Emilie's first 4-H steer out of Key to My Heart. Home-raised project animals were the rule rather than exception.

Jean was Emilie's pride and joy. Bred and owned, she was reserve champion Hereford in the Farm Show Open Show. Offspring are still in herd.

Emilie exhibited at Keystone International Livestock Exposition for several years. In her last show, she exhibited a horned heifer purchased from Mrnak Farms, North Dakota. Emilie and Andy Mrnak both served on the NJHA Board of Directors.

Brrr!  It's cold.

Brrr! It's cold.

Grandsons Corbin and Canaan help me with the herd check.

Corbin and Guurl.

Corbin and Guurl.

Corbin was not thrilled to learn his cow had a heifer calf, but was smiling when Emilie snapped this photo.

Say cheese!

Say cheese!

Corbin is the center of attention as the calves keep a close eye on him.

Is that one mine?

Is that one mine?

Canaan finds his cow's bull calf thanks to his yellow tag.



Canaan poses with his calf from a safe seat on the Gator.

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